Seems a silly question I know but anyone who has had a McDonalds burger in the UK will tell you what small, soggy, tasteless wads of blotting paper they are. So how are the burgers at Temptation ? are they the sad UK version or are they the two handed, in your face, don't look at me or I'll bite ya, American style burgers that we see on TV ? Like I said, silly, but I luuuuuuuurv a good burger.
concidering that most of the time most people are really drunk and its usually 2 am in the morning .. they are the best burgers ever.. lol.. they are good.. cooked right there (at PatyO's) while you wait.. with what ever fixings you want ...
I was only at Temptation once this xmas past and let me tell you, if it weren't for those late night burgers (seems I didn't eat much during the course of the day and was always late for dinner, so I had to keep drinking (I know, what a drag)). So by the end of the night (late, late night), there were amazing burgers just off PatyO's and there were hot, fresh and totally AMAZING!
The burgers late night at Paty'o's are better than MacDonalds. Not the best burger I've had but they do the trick, especially after a night of hard drinking. Now...can I tease you and point out the irony of someone from the UK professing to be a picky eater? You know what they Hell the English are the would you know? Between tequila shots you just say..."I want a burger". I go away and then magically appear a bit later with one for
haha! cause I did go and get myself one in Sept when you were playing guitar and not looking after me... lol