Oh Woodman, would be nice but can't swing that. Is okay - will make up for it on dry land. :aktion033:
yeah yeah I know... and you live in Calgary!!! and it was ever found out that we will be associating could cause a rift..
Sell yourself to 250 women for $10 each or 25 ugly women for $100 each. Remember everyone has to pay. I have given you two methods now... sell bodily fluids or become a man-whore. Chop chop sir!
OMG.... my mind went totally in the gutter ... that is not what i read..hahah!!!.. FYI, I always share 1/2 of my hamburger and fries!!! at 2 am in the morning with Jim... also making sure he has had food other than bread he keeps in his pockets...hahah!1
I have begun my own male prostitution ring and I make sure each Jane I pick up , lives near a sperm bank , So I can double dip so to speak haha