You could try but lingerie night on thursday is something that has been done for years by the resort. Hey women in lingerie any night works for us
You can do lingerie night any night you want that's what makes this place fun. Cindy's bringing enough lingerie for more than one night. We're doing a self sponsored body paint night and are bringing enough to share with others. We're hoping we can get 6-8 other couples to join us in the room for a beer and painting session and we'll all walk down together for a fun filled evening. There's a reason we come back every year and this year's going to be the best yet!! Who'se on board???
Hi, we are also from Ontario and are heading back to TTR for our second trip April 2 - 9th. We were the same as you last year, never left the resort, had waaaaay too much fun. I'm sure we'll see you there, first shot is on us...LOL:daveandmo: