Well....from the extensive reading of posts on here going back quite some time, I can say that orange bracelets with "XXX" on them are the first clue...lol. Maybe plan a day pass on a night everyone will be going to the clubs, hang during the day, and go out on the town from there? I'm curious to hear about GP as well, and how it compares to our visit to TTR.
I think GP is a lot tamer than TTR, but the same stuff goes down. From balcony shows to fun in the jacuzzi at 3am to as simple and normal as body shots and boob luges. lol. Just wayyy more topless people at TTR whereas GP is really depending on the crowd. I ALWAYS go topless(not usually the first few hours of the first day though) lol. But Once I do it, chicks follow! lol. It usually just takes one brave soul
you get two topless girl to push their racks together and you have a guy on his knees in between them..... saying "ahhh" looking up... Someone pours a beer or drink into the girls cleavages and the guy take the shot, drink, or beer from underneath
lol i did it on steve's Boobs Cruise last year with this hot chick! lol her boyfriend got the luge. lol. it was soooo much fun! never did anything like that before!
I wonder..... if we had two chicks laying on their backs on a lounge chair.... couldnt a guy get in the middle of the two and the girls try to catch it too? almost like a triple kiss shot? ~0~ <~~~ lol like that lol. 0 representing the dude and the ~ representing the chicks and loungers.
Don't think that the girls would be on their backs a lot if they are trying to catch it in their mouths! However, going to have to try and remember this for our trip in June!