Just do it! We are first timers as well. From what we have read and looked up on youtube.com it looks like a blast! Talk your friends into it and end your time on vacation with a bang!
There are things in life that you will look back on and say I wish we had and wish you had that tme back. danbiowa :lotsofmichaelfs:this will be one of those times. You have to make this cruise and finish TTR off with a bang :mnm: :mnm: There are lots of first timers on this cruise and what I have heard and read about these cruises that Steve puts together they are the Hi-Lite of the vacation. We realy hope you make it. If you dont you will be thinking about what you missed for a very long time :ernaehrung005: :lotsofmichaelfs: :flash: No high pressure sales pitch here :smile: :xyxthumbs: If you cant make it we sure hope you do it the next time your at TTR We hope you had a great vacation Neil_Jo
The last few trips we have taken some extra people each time who showed up on the day, I'm sure it wont be a problem - we're not going to turn people away. However, since we started the deposit system (just a month ago) we've had 100% turn out rate and it really has helped things run more smoothly and helped me plan to ensure maximum enjoyment for all. Thing is, if everyone decided on the day we'd be back to square one - booking for 40 and then seeing 15 people show up. That gets me into trouble and can cost me, so I'd really prefer to take deposits where possible.
Hi Hi Kelly Welcome to the forum :aktion033: Im glad you decided to jump on board Did you figure out how to put up a profile pic? This site takes abit to get use to took us almost a week Neil_Jo
Dave and I are anxiously awaiting our arrival and meeting our friends from Cancun Care! The next 8 days CAN NOT go by fast enough!!!!!!!