Well, from my experiences Senor Frogs is a blast everynight, and the best place to fish chicks at night
When i get my party package if i didn't want to go to that club they would let me trade in my pass for that club for another club. But that was only with student city.
larson, i havent been to cancun since 01-02 but frogs back then always seemed like an older couples place. im def gonna check it out this time. lots has changed since i been there
I always stayed away from it for that reason but i went last year for the first time and had so much fun.
Well it really depends. I kinda like to get there a little early just to meet some more people, but it really depends how much fun im havin at my resort haha. My favorite club is dady'o by far though, i always hit that up early
i absolutely love the city.. i've never been to roo, sweet, or bulldogs, but im going to try them hopefully this year! 9 days is nearly not enough for them all.. I might have to do the party hopper tour to get in senor frogs, and the city in one night lol