Just back (kinda long maybe boring)

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by IndyGirl, Feb 13, 2011.

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  1. Cpl4fun

    Cpl4fun Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Hey Donald, since when is this board and the resort yours? I am sorry, I thought the boards name was Cancuncare and the resort Temptations. If somone wants to respond to something or create a name, that is their choice. I think most would agree I was correct in creating a 2nd profile because just like I thought some diehards would try to bullying others that dont hold their views. I should of created a 2nd thread instead of responding to a thread, are you for real? Get a life! The arrogance of you and others on this board is laughable. You defend this resort as if Jesus Christ was going to show up next week. When you buy this board or the resort then you can do was you damn well please, untill then if somone joins this board and or pays to attend the resort the have the freedom to express their views. As long as they dont attack somone personally or slander the resort, then they are free to do what they want. FYI, I received several priviate messages and emails from long time members on here backing me up. They said the reason they did not respond was they did not want to deal with all the BS of certain members on here. Please let me know if I did this right by responding or if you want me to start a new thread.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  2. jeff & deb

    jeff & deb I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 7, 2009
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    hey man who's Dave???
    And you never know Jesus might show up next week, with the good times had by all.. oh but wait isn't he single..

    hey you edited that... LOL.. hope you have a sense of humor...
  3. Canadian Dos Equis fan

    Canadian Dos Equis fan Cancuncare's Most Interesting Man Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    Cpl4fun, I'm not trying to pick a fight here but you seem to be reaping what you sow in terms of the language and tone of your posts. Take a look at what you have written and ask yourself if people are treating you any worse than how you express yourself.

    I'm a single guy who feels a bit on the slighted when I hear peopl say things like, "no singles should be allowed". For good reason I am a repeat customer at the resort and also a member there as well. I would feel pretty ripped off if all of a sudden I couldn't go there, as would anyone else I think.

    If you would like to have a calm reasonable debate then lets have one. If you to want pick fights, please go somewhere else.

    Have a wonderful afternoon.
  4. halifaxdan

    halifaxdan I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    Most would agree about creating a second profile? You keep making statements like that without backing them up. We haven't seen anyone agree with you. As far as this being a "clique", most of us haven't met yet but most will agree with common sense. I've been trying to be nice but you're making it hard. look at this whole thread. No one agreed with you. This place is great for voicing opinions and we should all be alllowed to do so as Jeff n Deb said it's good at times. But you're making people who haven't there yet think it's a very dangerous place(as in always keep an eye on your wife when she goes to the bathroom). And people would take you more seriously if you posted under your real profile. No one's ever been discarded or hated by other members for having an opinion. we have disagreements. thats what grown ups do. You just agree to disagree.
  5. IndyGirl

    IndyGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Someone might post, if they didn't feel they would be eaten by sharks!
  6. jeff & deb

    jeff & deb I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 7, 2009
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    Ah really!!!! to bad you feel that way, if what cpl4fun is saying and that people are backing him, for him/her sake I wish people would. I like to hear what others have to say.. but my feeling is cpl4fun is the one being aggressive, but then again if people agree with them(cpl4fun) and are not posting I guess it would be very frusterating for them (cpl4fun).:confused:
  7. Canadian Dos Equis fan

    Canadian Dos Equis fan Cancuncare's Most Interesting Man Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    Like I said a few minutes ago, I am more than willing to debate anyone as long as they are respectful and reasonably polite to others on the forum. somewhere in this thread it got derailed. Let's all call a truce and leave this pettiness behind.

    Most of us like to post here to see what is changing or going on at the resort, or to find ways that we can improve our vacations there, so let's get back to that. No hard feelings etc.

    Sound like an acceptable deal? :icon_cool:
  8. IndyGirl

    IndyGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    You bet!:aktion033:
  9. halifaxdan

    halifaxdan I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    +49 / 2
    Do u remember "the great camera debate"? There's wa alot of disagreements in that one, and i mean alot, but there were no hard feelings or repercussions afterward. You opened a can of worms byt not really telling us what happened n letting everyone speculate. I have no problems with other people's opinions, it's cowards i can't stand. "Real friends will stab you in the front".
  10. jeff & deb

    jeff & deb I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 7, 2009
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    Ahhh yes nothing better than looking them straight in the eye while they are doing it...
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