just wondering what the night life is like in cancun?? think me and my friends are pretty much going to be spending most of our time at the resort but obviously would be foolish not to sample cancun at its best!! hehe, how far is temptations from shops, bars, clubs ect?? is it out the way or are we close?? andy
Not too far, the staff organise trips to the clubs every evening at 10.00pm, we took the bus into town last year, just a few minutes down the road.
the staff is great and very helpful. there are a lot of games and social events that happen. you never know who you'll meet!!!!
Bars Some of the bars we've been to are Corona Bar, Congo Bar, Senor Frogs. They all have all you can drink special or you can pay as you go.
We've been to the clubs also w/ no probs. Myself personally, I'd stay away from Cancun City after dark tho! Have heard to many horror stories about straying out of the hotel zone after dark!
having fun just go across the road outside Temptation and get any bus,every few minutes ask the driver to put you off at coco bongo, you just have to walk down the alley across the street, and you will find carlos & charlies,hard rock cafe, slices,coco bongo,daddy o, the city, and many more, hooters. this area is well policed and very safe. if you get a bus directly out front do not cross street then those buses takes you downtown away from the hotel zone,it is totally a different experiance, I enjoy it great tradional restaurants and bars I normally go with friends that live in cancun,
coco bongo will definitely be on our list of things to do when we go to Temptation for our first time in september, been 3 times previously to coco bongo and loved it! if you go with the staff, do Temptation provide transport or do you just catch a bus? elaine :uk1:
jump on the bus to come back to the hotel after the bar. It's way more fun than taking a cab. Seriously. the night time bus ride around the hotel zone is often a trip highlight. Try it.
Here's a neat trick I picked up on, go to Google maps, and with the little yellow man you can go up and down the street and actually see all the store fronts