There are several folks up for the Boobs Cruise on the 16/18th (or any during the 3rd week of March), including us. We leave the 20th. Everyone up for the 16/18th, give a shout out!:lotsofmichaelfs:
One month and then I am sitting in a heated pool drinking cool refreshments. I can't wait,come on march 10
How many days??? Us toooooooo! on the 11th for 2 whole weeks!!! 29 days to go!!!!! Not that I'm counting or getting excited, or anything like that!! artytime: Yes I am excited, counted the bikinis - oh dear too many I think! Got the little white dress for the Friday, got the 'favourite shirt', need to make a list!!!!!
I know what you mean, so much stuff to get into 20kg baggage allowance!! Are you going to join in with the theme night this year? Our tickets have just arrived, makes it seam really real now!!!!
No such thing as too many bikinis. We brought 70 for 10 days in Dec. and will bring about the same # on the 17th:aktion033:
We would be up for one on the 16th ot 17th as we leave on the 18th. Everyone at TTR PLEASE jump on this so we can get a huge crowd going!!!
I always got to casino night I'll try some of the nights, now more shopping...Luclkly walmart is nearby,
Makes my 18 seem like nothing at all, did you bring them for the whole of TTR??? LOL !!! Looking forward to meeting you and seeing you in a different bikini every hour of the day! Can't wait to try the heated pool:clappyinghappy:, it was really cold last year!