Bacrd had mentioned Paty'O's as the place just didn't set a time - but around 9pm sounds like a good plan.
I'm sure all of us will meet up at the pool earlier that day. We can compare notes as to who is going to dinner what time..... then decide on a firm time? I think everything happens at PatyO
This all sounds good to me!!!!!! We are packed and ready to go in the AM!!! Ya'll won't have any trouble spotting me......I'll be the old fat woman with all the clothes on!! ....But ready to have a HELL of a good time!!! See ya'll soon!!!! Deb
Can't wait to meet everyone! I've hit the OMG I'm not ready phase. have 2 more days of work and busting ass to get ready to leave, then 7 days of fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 13-17 Hello everyone my husband and I will be there Sunday the 13th until Thursday the 17th...trying to find out what the theme nights will be Also what is the boob cruise everyone is talking about
Check out this thread on the board: Join us!!!
Sunday the 13th is "School Girl Night". 9pm at PatyO's! I think there are 5 confirmed "naughty school girls" for this one. Make it 6! The 14th is the Boobs Cruise. We are very excited for that one as the reputation has it that they're just an absolute blast! SJCT linked you to the thread about the Boobs Cruise -- sign up, you'll be glad you did!