Lmao, microkitten coming to your office.....that should get some water cooler talk going....80's in Cancun today!!!! 16 days to go for us.
That puts the count at at least 10 I think! Janets has not arrived, but we were notified yesterday it is on the way!
*OMG*! I'm a very very very very bad girl! I've been procrastinating and now it's almost down to the witchin' hour! 3 weeks left! ! We *arrive* on the 23rd just in time for school girl / glow nite ! AND CRAP! I need BOTH a SCHOOL GIRL OUTFIT *AND* glow crap! UGH ! ***HELP!*** Well - need I mention that I've *ALWAYS* been a crammer ?! I can guarantee you this will make the 23'rd arrive VERY quickly cuz I've got LOTS to do !!! WOOT!
wooo hooo!!!!! it sounds like we will have a class full of bad girls. i think i will be handing out some beatings or licking, what ever you want to call them.
Would you all mind if we joined in with you. We arrive evening of 20th so should be well over the lag to take part