i had some orange wrist bands last year but i dont know what ever happened to them..... 16 more days!
So how many girls do we think will be dressed up in costume on the 23rd? I got my outfit and my friend, Michelle has hers...Audrey just got hers in the mail. Janet will be there and so will Joyce. That is at least 5. Feeling better but hope for more!
There will be quite a few we hope. Maya's costume arrived this week too! Arrived at my office!...was getting kinda funny looks from the guys in receiving. 1st a shipment came from Microkitten, then a costume package came this week...LOL:wink3:.... Ken, is Darcy's costume ready? How about all the group from PA ....? costumes planned?
connie teased me with a few of her costumes this week. mail man has been smiling everyday this week. she is all set. i think i will just wear a dunce cap on school girl night. maybe one of them will sorry for me if im sitting in the time out chair. lol.
hey kev, i have been checking my email everyday for a preview picture but nothing yet. we are going to numzees tonight [wild & crazy thursday nights in pa] & i will try to get you a couple pictures.
It sounds like we have about a classroom full of school girls from the all girl school who are sneaking out on Wednesday night....