"Drink while you think" is one of my favourites ... For those who don't know it, fairly simple premise; first person starts off saying the name of a famous person/sports person whoever, obviously has to be able to qualify choice on challenge .... next person has to say the name of another famous person with the first name beginning with the first letter of the previous surname; whilst drinking at the same time, if you stop drinking before you've said a name you get a penalty shot, or if you run out of drink, it moves on to the next person! Ie, if Person 1 says Brittany Spears, Person 2 could say Simon Cowell, Person 3 would have to say a name beginning with C ... EASY! ------------------------------------- Another one, spread a pack of cards face down on a table, each value represents something ... 2 - 4, drink for that number of seconds etc etc, can't remember them all, i'm sure they are on the net somewhere.
I remember one game we played in my country with a group of american students in an exchange program in University. In a circle (or in position that everyone can see each other faces), one person has to start and look to another right into the eyes and ask a question, most times a silly question, i.e "do you like sex", "what time is it", "what color are your socks"?. This person can't answer back, instead he/she has to look to another (or the same) person and ask a new question. You lose if: -you answer back -you have delay in asking a new question -you repeat a previous question. Sounds confusing but it's very simple and very funny!!
We play this game where you have a glass in the middle and all different drinks , normally jack daniels , vodka , absinthe and few other others . You take the glass add what you feel from all the drinks , then flip a coin . If you guess right the person next you to you takes the drink and drinks it , if wrong you drink it .
There is an awesome drinking game called : Pendecho ! But every time i played it, i was so drunk, i just forgot the rules