Jo, on reflection t-shirts are easy! perhaps should just swap them back LOL! I wonder how many wet t-shirts we will end up with???
Now you're talking Jackie! I only want mine getting wet if it's because someone is pouring a drink down my throat and they miss. Or...mmmmmm..will let you throw water on my shirt if you buy me a drink first! Hey, maybe we should get shirts printed for the occasion! Tim I'm going to go do my homework now, I promise. Love you too. :flash:Jo
Jackie i say we have a topless jacuzzie room nite how many can we fit in that tub? or how bout a strip twister game? loser drinks and takes a piece of clothing off!! Tim
I love it when a plan comes together! Have you got the hot tub??? We could follow on from Patios, it gets a bit quieter after the clubbers go into town, and everyone has had just enough to drink to let their hair down! let the bad behaviour commence!
Oh no Jim! I don't know if TTR is going to be ready for the Mid March group to arrive. Looks like things are going to get a wee bit risqué.:icon_redface:
We're having the same problem. We're coming 3/9 to 3/14, but seem to be missing the cruise dates. Even if we could stay an extra day, I'm not sure that would help.
Scraped 1/4" of ice off my windshield tonight...and they say I'll have to do it again tomorrow morning! Am considering scraping it all into a glass w/ some tequila and calling it a problem finding salt around here either!