We are thinking around the 10th of April of so. We will know more in a couple weeks and will be able to get something booked then. Looks like a hot n fun crowd in April!
You can better believe it toots -just get your school girl outfit and if you're bringing a guy, tell him to get a kilt! :blueshock:
Bryan, you've got to send me some dates when U 2 are gonna be there. Right now we're looking at somewhere between the 14th - 16th. I have to talk to Steve about it 1st, but will get him to put a "Booze Cruise" roll call Sticky up.
Ok. Woody 9-17. So those dates are great!! April can't get here quick enough. Are we gonna do any theme nights?
Planning on a -- Schoolgirl night & mens Kilt night! (when the girl are in their outfits the boys also have to be in kilts).. costume Night!.. what ever your little heart desires you to be .. (both girls and boys will dress up) lingerie night.. (resort function) - Thursday White night... (resort function) combine glow night - Friday Reminding all - No one is obligated to do any of these!! Some will, some won't! We'll prob do the school girl/ kilt and the lingerie night ( lingerie night is restricted to those in the right attire and NO cameras allowed per the resort!) Really doesn't matter if you participate or not cause you'll still be welcomed to join all of us Hell raisers!!