To Mormis => Mexican girls are hot! (and easy!) by the way, hope your friends from Mexico city will be back this year
Well, I went to Cancun with my brother and his friend so I had to unfortunately listen to all the exploits whether I wanted to or not and based off their experience: They both laid a Mexican girl (They said she was a freak, in a good way) My brothers friend had a threesome with some american girls They were trying after some Brazilian girls and got nowhere They tried after some English girls and maybe could've got somewhere but they didn't want to do the work for it I guess. My brother almost got with another hot Mexican chick but soon figured out that 'She" was a he and was completely traumatized after that lol
So you totally struck out, huh? That's ok. Going on spring break with your brother is probably a pretty big cockblock to overcome. :icon_razz: