Based upon the size of that beer mug, I'm frightened by your drinking abilities and the games you play, but we're game! Better bring the mug with you or you will be drinking beer 8 ounces at a time! Tip - bring a large insulated water bottle for the bartenders to fill up. Keeps your drink cold in the warm weather and you don't have to run to the bar all the time since they only have tiny cups. Of course if you're topless and want to parade over to the bar every ten minutes for a refill, no one will mind!
We get into the resort on Monday afternoon, January 31....according to a schedule I found the planned club to hit that evening is Coco Bongo.....anybody arriving or already there that might like to come along? I hear it is a mix of Mardi Gras meets Cirque du Soleil!! Leanne & George
We are on tour leaving at 6:30 AM but if we get back in time we would like to see Coco Bongo. Kim and Larry
Cool!! You should have time for a little siesta as the bus doesn't leave for the clubs until about 10:30 pm. Leanne & George
Two more days of work and 4 more sleeps and.....we're outta here!!!!Cancun here we come!!!! Leanne & George
Yes we can...hahahhahah :aktion033: Spinning every morning at 5:30 am.......until the 18 ................Let's go you can do it !!!:aktion070: