Aww, I tried to hide my accent..guess that didn't work. I will bring some paint along in case we want to give it a try but I did find it messier than I wanted it to be. It was very sexy on. I should have taken pictures.
We would love to say we are going but really don't know yet. We have missed this trip the last two times we went down because it was never on the week we were there.
OK. The pro body painter emailed back and is interested in painting the girls. He wants to know how many girls. I'd like to email him back and let him know if we are interested in this. He is probably going to be using a spray gun (air brush) which we wont have access to bringing our own stuff. So who is in, can we send out email to each other and get this one going.
Ok , he just emailed back. He said $50-$65 bucks per girl. Jenessa is going to email Mario and see if he has any suggestions. I would say the girls just need to decide what night they want to do it and we will set it up. 65 bucks aint bad as far as im concerned. We need people to post or email us and let us know
body paint Are you just trying to have the Miss Temptation girls painted? Can others get involved? If so, pretty sure the Mrs. would go for it again. We have all the airbrush equipment and was going to play around with a few designs this weekend. If we like the finished product might just bring it along. CnA
As far as we are concerned , the more the merrier. We are here for the memories and friends. So everyone if they want to be. You may have a problem bringing the airbrush equiptment on a plane due to weight limit, that why we emailed this guy. If everyone can please send us an email so we can tally up how many girls>