That is terrible, get some Vitamin C in him... about 1000 mg. YOu should take it also to steer if off... Good luck
The year went by so fast and now that we finally booked Temptation for 1/14 - 1/20 2011, it seems like a year to get there!
Been trying to avoid any sickness, I should've invested stock in Purell, I can only imagine! I really just hope the water will be warm enough for a few days!!
I don't know... last year, even with me bringing you guys and rich, NY, Diann, and the seaons (who were all unplanned as far as Steve knew) Steve still got screwed on numbers due to no-shows.
Leaving the Snow & Wind for Sun & Sand (& booze...) :clappyinghappy: December 29th - Jan 8th Jeff & Michelle