Hey Guys! A collapse seems to expalin alot of things around here. Mexico is sounding really good to us. Joyce and Troy:clappyinghappy:
Suck here in Iowa to. We didnt get as much snow as u guys ,but almost 24hrs of 40mph winds really BLOWS!(in both sense of the word).Jan really needs to get here. Looks like its gonna be a blast again this year!
3333333 888888 33 88 88 33 88 88 33333 88888 33 88 88 33 88 88 3333333 88888 YAY 38 Days to GO!!!!! Its COLD as a witch's boob!!!! We are ready for Fun and Warm SUN!!!!!!!!!
Amen to that! 75mph winds with -2 windchill for us today...Plus we are nearing winter solstice so we only get about 5 hours of daylight here. Best I can do is crank the heater up and play ocean sounds on my computer. lol.
Record lows in Orlando! It was -10 with wind chill!! Can you believe that? I just hope this weather doesn't follow us to Cancun!! 24 and counting!!!
I'm thinking of making another order of free lounge chair shirts for people at TTR from Dec. 28 to Jan. 7. So if you want one and your not on the thread list let me know by friday morning!
Hatnheels - would like 2 t-shirts Hi, Could you put us down for a blue and pink one? Thanks alot! See you on the Jan 2....