yes new to this site and i understand tht people go to this site just to see boobs and stuff and just be pervs. i want to see some pics of the resort so i can compare to where we went last year. not wanting a password or anything like the pervs do just some pics of the place if thats ok. anyone know where i can see more than the actual TTR site shows. thanks.
Go to the Community link in the blue toolbar above. Click & scroll to Pictures & Albums. Many photos of the resort & activites.
Go to and search Temptation cancun. You can see past visitors' reviews and a ton of pics. Other photo sharing sites like webshots, flickr, photobucket...go there and do a search.
Well, i can probably speak for MOST here and say that we are not pervs and that MOST are here to talk to others they have met...or will meet... at TTR. If people are looking for "boobs", there are much better places than to find them. Steve has put together an amazing site here. Others have pointed you directions to find resort pictures, but if you're trying to compare TTR with other resorts you are familiar with, pictures probably won't do it justice. If you ask, i bet you will get a great response. If you want to compare TTR to Desire... or clothing optional resorts...or any number of 'vanilla" places, I would be willing to bet that people on this site have been there and could be great resources! Pervs in ND
The attitude of referring everyone to the word "perv" might not fit with TTR. Probably the guy with the roaming camera, that gets wet.
Pictures don't really tell what makes TTR so special; it's the fun people, party atmosphere, and great staff. Truth be told, it's one of the older hotels in Cancun. They keep it up great, but if you're looking for super fancy, there are probably better choices. The guests range in age from 20's to 70's with probably the biggest subset being mid 30's to mid 50's. They are average people like you'd find anywhere, but friendlier than the guests most anywhere else you'd ever go. What really sets TTR apart is the easygoing, party loving mindset of the bulk of the guests. Yes, anywhere from 50% to 90% of the guests are topless at any given time. A lady of course has the option, but if seeing toplessness is offensive to someone, you probably should choose another resort. Read the Trip Advisor reviews; most are pretty accurate. The resort is what it is; those of us who go repeatedly love it. As some of the Trip Advisor reviews indicate, some people hate it. Two people can go at the same time; one has a blast, the other hates it. Why? The perception of each individual. It's not about the resort, it's about the guest and their reaction to the resort.
When I found this site last year I cant say I was looking to compare resorts, We have been to Jamaica and other resorts in Mexico over a dozen times, I was looking to meet people before we got to TTR. After reading almost everything on here,and then slowly starting to post,I quickly realized TTR would be a great place to go! And I was definately right, between this wonderful sight Steve has put together and all the great people that we meet when we go there, It is our favorite place to party and have met some great friends we will have for life! Any resort is what you make of it, But TTR with the help of Cancuncare people, is one of the easiest places to go to have a GREAT time! Just my thoughts....