Ok so I know we are supposed to be planning the schedule for the week on this thread..but I need help! Girls~what are you thinking of wearing for the finale night that Mario said "DRESS CODE: THIS IS THE FINAL EVENT, BRING A SEXY DRESS TO IMPRESS, AND ANY OUTFIT YOU MAY THINK FIT YOU THE BEST"? Does this mean another dress, bathing suit, lingerie....I need help!!! Last year this is where the girls had to pole dance and had to wear lingerie so are we assuming it is the same this year?
I guessed that is was the same as last year. A sexy dress and something for the pole. I also noticed that all the girls had on lingerie for the pole.
I emailed mario about it right after we got the schedule, and he said the sponsors had decided no pole this year, but things may change .... Not sure what that meant and he still didn't answer my question about what the other outfit is supposed to be.
Well...I have an outfit for that event and hope they decide to include the pole dance. It will be disappointing if I can't wear it. It's my favorite! I wonder what they'll have instore for us if they take the pole out.