I have a very attractive friend in the running for miss Temptation november, and am just curious as to when the voting for miss november starts...she had a blast down there, and subsequently I will be booking a trip for us sometime in the new year...sounds like alot of fun! Thanks in advance...
Last month it started on the 5th. It ended two weeks later and it was a long 2 weeks of battle. So be prepared! It took about a week to post the final results and the web page has been the same since.
Thanks! I've been constantly checking, hoping for an update...lol, no dice so far...I'm hoping they start this soon!
Last year they had November and December run together so it may be a few days later than the previous months have been. The winners need to be able to make plans and travel arrangements so waiting until January for the December contestants is too late.
Lol...been checking daily...several times...just working on some pics and perhaps vids of her trip so people may remember who she is...
Echo is her name I appreciate any votes thrown her way...I'm looking at booking a trip in the fall regardless, I hear it's a great time down there...any other edmontonians on these forums?