Thanks for the clarification. My girlfriend would have been pissed if I would of started taking her birth control pill for my hangovers.
BC Headache powders are very popular here in North Carolina. I had never heard of them until we moved here. They work very well and very quick! I have some in my backpack at all times
yeah they are pretty strong and incredibly nasty when i take them its almost as though my head says back to me "holy shit dude i will do anything to get rid of the headache just dont put any more of those damn things in your mouth" truth of the matter is - i can get rid of a headache just by tempting my head with this stuff im like "i f'n dare you head to to get a headache cause if you do im bringin out the bc" head is like "no problem man i get it just dont sic that shit on me again" rob
Water, water, water, water, water! All a hangover is is dehydration. On my 21st bday (yeah I am a youngin) I have 36 drinks but pounded water all day long. Woke up the next mornign at 8am, no hangover, and drove six hours across the state. Even though I am young I am definietly not immune to hangovers. I get them horribly!
LOL... well I was way off. I thought "bc" stood for "Bacardi". Made sense...Bacardi and coke. Wasn't sure how that was going to help the hangover though...
Dealing with hangover I usually have another drink when I wake up and that usually settles the hangover
Just keep drinking!!! first thing when you wake up in the morning grab a beer outta the fridge and start the day off right! Like they say, you can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning!
A p90x recovery drink, haha. Just kidding they taste awful. I am partial to the water before bed, ibuprofen, and a late night cheeseburger. Then a blood mary, bloody maria, or red eye the following morning. My fiancee swears by the watermelon juice at the buffet and she gets whopping hangovers.