OK whats with the towels!! Are we supposed to take our own in case anyone takes our hotel towels? :flagcanada:
you each get a towel card and that entitles you to a towel. No card no towel. As long as you always have a towel or card your set! trade in dirty towel for clean towel. Card for towl. Towel for card Get me? hahahaha We never have enough room to pack towels
if you lose your towel, they charge $25. I wouldn't leave them unattended on chairs for long periods of time. I leave a tee-shirt on the chairs in the morning when we go to eat or workout.
People are drunk and there are the same color towels everywhere. They are probably misplaced as much as they are stolen. That being said, I always leave a t-shirt on our chairs.
OK I usually leave a book or something on our chairs so we will be ok then. Hey I didnt think u go to the gym didnt u give me a hard time when I said I will be in the gym early? LOL :typing:
taking a couple of cheap beach towels avoids the hassle of the towel cards etc, also can use them if ya take a side trip snorkling or such. the super large t's (the more smarta## the better) is great for reserving the loungers and avoids problems. we are going to take both next trip.
No problem - I think I just said to make sure you reserve a chair before going to the gym. I find that I can work out for a couple of days but then the sun, food, alcohol poisoning starts to set in.
cards No more towel cards. Now they just take name and room #---But if you dont turn in towel at the end of the day they make you return it to the front desk.