Zurc Congrats on the marathon!!! Im glad to see you will have your stamina up! About the icy hot, Scott has been using it ALOT lately,(not because he ran a marathon) but our son complains how our house smells like old people...
I've already popped 6 of em while I've been at work and expect to for the next couple of days. They've definitly helped alot. Leann, did you break Scott in Vegas?
I tried!!! But I had booking this trip in the back of my mind the whole time...lol So I went easy on him! I think he can say it was probably one of our cheapest trips there!! I just drank alot of the "free" drinks! We went with 5 other couples, so they kept me entertained and out of the shops....
I guess we'll have to keep you guys drunk then to keep you out of the stores. I'm such a brilliant stratigist.
Sounds like a plan! You are....I knew i liked you for more than your long hair and badass nature...lol
If I dont quit mentioning how badass you are, some newbies might actually think that your long hair and bad boy good looks actually make you a badass when your really the sweetest guy there...You did have to have Scotts back more than once....saved him from the cats in the bushes and shared your pants....lol
Geez, there goes my hard earned rep. Now I'm going to have newbies kicking sand in my face and taking my pants. Thanks alot! :aetsch022: