Im kicking him into high gear!!!! Got to represent TEXAS!!!! Not that I dont love some Canucks.... Got to have a Boob Cruise with NO castaways!! Got to get TTR crazy!!!:ernaehrung005:
Activate the Hurricane advisery alert...We are booked!!! And are putting our names on the Boobs Cruise list.:xyxthumbs: And Zurc you can leave your pants at home...:wink3::angel1:
Hey Sue! Its official we are booked for Dec 1st - 8th!!:xyxthumbs: So can you please add us to the Official Boob Cruise list? :mnm: Leigh Ann & Scott
Its Official!!! Hey BFF! We are booked!!! Couldnt go a year without seeing you! And besides we broke your bad luck streak with the Boob Cruises, we shared our first one together, even if it was during a hurricane and we picked up some sucky castaways!:banghead: we are going to make up for it this time!!:headbanger: See you Dec 1st!!!!:aktion031:
AWESOME!!!! Even more excited.....if that's at all possible! With all the troubles we had last year,I have a feeling this one is gonna be one to remember!!