Out of the 4 times we've been there, only one person ever drove us around the bend.. and she was Canadian.... even when the bar was full, you could still hear her over everyone and she was one of those people that would get right in your face.... she would drive us out... and oh she was a brunette... but she wasn't any fun. So all considering...one person outta thousands... ok hundreds.
Yeah I read this as well, it had me a little worried. But, when I looked at the how many bad vs. the good. In that arena there was no comparison that temptations was the best. But I am so excited about my trip in Jan....
Worried? I think we want to go more now than ever! Bring on the screetchy Americans and threesomes (we could leave Morgan Freeman out of it lol) :daveandmo:
Maybe this person is disabled and some wicked person wheeled them over to the "sexy pool" and then left them there. Since there is the optional "quiet pool" this must be the only rational reason a person who didn't want to be subjected to that kind of cruelty would end up there. Screaking American's and sex acts...oh my.