For the most part, are we talking the level of Victoria's Secret? Frederick's? Or, as the D/FW folks would understand, go cheap at Electrique Boutique/Cristal's/etc.?
There's so many different sort of people that have so many tastes. I've seen robes and I've seen nothing but heels and a smile. I usually end up being one of those let it hang out people, enjoy the nice breeze every now and then. I don't think anything is more prevalent than the other as far as style.
I'm a walking wikopedia, If I don't know the answer I make it up. I work 60+ hours a week, I need something to keep me sane while I whittle the hours away here.
No problem, I get used to responding to everything it looks like. :whisper: I'm sure they'll be rolling along any second now....
What you wear is really up to you! I think it's less about what you are wearing and more of the fact that you are willing to push yourself to step outside of your normal comfort zone. So have fun with it!
Any thing goes! You can be a sexy as you feel comfortable! Just make sure you bring it! If you don't bring it you can't get it into the party!
Thanks, Niagara! And is going commando a good idea? It looks like it may not be, from what I've seen...
It is really any thing you feel comfortable in .. any thing goes, you dont have to worry as long as you feel good in it .. most leave the outfits on at Paty'o after nice shoes if they are staying at the resort for the evening.