I train for drinking.....year round. Though, my wife usually over does it the first night, EVERY TIME! So, I suggest pacing yourself slowly marinate that liver with alcohol, LOL! Two things we want to experience on our next visits (and we hope to have many). First, partying naked in one of the jacuzzis and second, being invited by one of the premier members onto the chartered yacht. We're hoping to head back in February. Not sure yet but would really like to.
Thankfully I have a pretty healthy tolerance to alcohol (I blame dad and watching premier league games at 8AM with guiness in the pub) but tequila..keels me..! I like it but its the one alcohol that wrecks me. I'm sure everyone has one booze type that just knocks them on their ass!
We went straight to the sexy pool (room not ready) and we walked in to the end of the miss Temptation contest and chinos ran right up to us and dumped a bucket of suits at our feet. Next thing you know twenty guys come running out of the water straight for us buck ass naked. It was quite an intro to the resort for Jen. I wanted to get back in the plane as I had just seen more sausage than I had in the entire rest of my life. Thankfully I recovered and we had one of the best weeks of our life.
So I have heard in a few threads 'Our room was not ready' is this that common when you arrive? Or is it just more likely because you arrived at say just after noon when checkout is? As for your sausage experience..all I can say is lol...I think I'd need a few drinks and like you some time to recover..haha The more stories I hear about TTR the better it sounds.