I wish we had enough people to run a cruise every week since I pretty much get requests for boobs cruises 52 weeks of the year. I'll usually only start up an official Boobs Cruise sticky if it looks like we have about 35-40 people plus at the hotel on the same day - because we will never get 100% of the people wanting to go and we need an absolute minimum of 25 people. I use the monthly roll calls to gauge the number of people, and also have to take off everyones arriving and leaving day. I also have to bear in mind the no show rate which, since no one pays in advance, is often quite high because people sign up and then get drunk the night before, or decide the weather isnt perfect, or get sick and since they haven't paid anything in advance decide to take an extra hour or two snooze instead. In addition, we need to have firm numbers greater than 25 at least one week in advance because people are leaving for their vacation, they'll mostly be out of Internet contact and need to know before they leave whether a cruise is planned to go ahead, or not. If we dont meet the mimimum number then it can cost me money. In the past I've paid for transport for 40 and had 20 people show up and have to send the transport away empty, but still have to pay for it. I often have to pay for child care, arrange for my daughter to be picked up from school etc and always have take a day off "work" too. So I guess what I'm saying is please dont take offence if I think a cruise is not viable for your particular dates. By all means start an interest thread yourself and see if you can get enough people together. Once you hit 25-30 PM me and I'll fix things up. But if I were to start a thread every time someone asked I think 75% would end up being cancelled due to lack of numbers. If that were the case then it wouldnt be good for those times when we do have a chance to run one, since people would be accustomed to them being cancelled more often than not. We've been running the cruises for over 5 years with over 2,000 people taking part and they have become the highlights of many peoples vacation. Like I said I'd love to run one every week. There's a lot of planning that goes on for each cruise behind the scenes and it has to be viable. It isnt always possible.
boob cruises I have been on steves boobs cruises for the last 5 years, I have seen the amount of effort he puts into them..we love you steve and appreciate everything thing you do to ensure everyone has a good time.. roll on december :beer4:
We're with you on this Steve and as soon as more of our April people book and let me know, I'll start pushing for another set-up, OK? Woody
Steve, is starting the cruise a little later a possibility (and cutting out some part of the fun) that might work. In reading the threads, it sounds like most people oversleep, overparty and don't show. artyhorn: Personally, I'd be calling it an early night but that is me!
rdubnpk Woody, please let us know what dates you are trying to arrange. PK and I are planning on April this year and would love to go.
We'll be there from the 12th - 21st but it's still to early to plan a cruise. After we get more bookings, I'll start a new post for names of people that want to go then Steve will end up making a Sticky Post on it. Just a matter of sighing up for the day that we select, so stay tuned, OK?
Morning .. we have two threads for April that a few of us are keeping up.. one is April 2011 hahah!! and I'm Booked April Addicts.. lots of info on when people are thinking of booking and the April addicts one is for people that have aready booked.. you can get added to the PDF that Woody puts together of the confirmed booking.