just checking im sure im going to have you stand up on the bus and do a few announcements in welsh for everyone btw the banner i had made for the bus tour just showed up
jamie ill send you my number and t's number via message box - call us in when you get in and will see where we are at. i do know that t is taking off that monday and tuesday and of course i hate working so im going to be off too rob
i must be honest with you guys and show you what ends up happening at the end of the night for some lucky/unlucky people i mean we have all seen the pretty group pictures of things when they start off but we rarely get a glimpse of these late night pictures from last years "pirates pumpkins and pussycats" bus please note these are legitimate pictures nothing is fake about them 1. brian looks like if he were in a car wreck but the truth of the matter is he literally broke his eye socket (notice blood) when he fell to the ground face first (i promise this is actually what happened) at the last bar - t sat up next tot he tree to take this picture - for those wondering.....yes he did make the cowboys game the next day and the ac/dc concert on monday night (stellar mvp weekend performance worthy of a gold medal in my book) poor lisa was over served = at one point - poppy caught her in a bar with a guy - when poppy confronted her she said she thought she was making out with another chick lmao............at this point (after hurling for a good ten minutes) she fell in love with the grass too after she got off the bus at the after party - one adam 12 does what one adam 12 does best..........crashes early and forgets shit...........shit that is really important................like being married to a woman other than these two. when i showed him this picture a couple of days later he said, "wow i was with those two chicks"? i told him picture dont lie, but if you cant remember ------------it does not count
now that is a sandwich that I need to put on the diet. T, we might actually make it up there for the halloween shin dig. If the bus is full, we can drive. That is if there is room for 2 more south texas nuts. let us know
Hey Rob, we are in Houston and need to get on your future party list. You guys look like you know how to have a good time!
will do do you guys know - curt and barb? from cancuncare? they are from houston too - we met them in cancun several years back rob
there always seems to end up being a couple that call me like a few weeks before and are not able to make it - you will be my first call if i get any cancellations fer sho:icon_smile: rob
Don't think so. The only people on CC we've met from Houston are the people who were at TTR when we were there in Oct. 2009.
Bring it on bro. We would be a fun addition to a party be it yes or Antibes. At least I think so Later
Diamondheaded, since your there, you may know. Do you know when the actual super bowl tickets go on sale? Being that close I might just splurge this year.