That was great... we can definitely relate to that story! Does anyone know what the average temperature is in Cancun in late January?
This is the most depressed I have ever been when looking at this website. This is EXACTLY what happens to me and my wife. We know it is comming, but we try to pretend like it isn't untill it accually happens. Thanks for the reminder!! If we didn't get 6 feet of white shit dumped on us and sub 0 temperatures for half the year, we wouldn't have any reason to go to Cancun!!!!!!
I've chose to spend my NYEs someplace tropical for a few years now. This is the one I do on my own, then in March I take my kids to another sun destination It breaks up the winter very nicely. Don't get me wrong though I love winter in Canada because I own a collision repair shop and Canadian winters are very, very good to me. Just to make it clear I don't lock my kids in the closet over the NYE week I'm divorced and I have joint custody. I still always wished the Canadian government and the Turks and Cacaos government would have come to a deal that would have made theme one of the Canadian provinces. They wanted our health care and we wanted their winter temperatures. To me it sounded like a win win for both sides but now that the Turks and Cacaos are a travel destination and don't need us I don't see it ever happening. Well we will always have TTR to tan our sun starved Canadian behinds during the winter months.:bootyshake:
My husband and I along with a couple are coming Jan 17th thru 24th. When will we know what the theme nites are, and where will they be posted?