Later in the day or whenever the sun went behind the clouds, the pool was a little cool for my wife's liking (I usually had enough antifreeze in me by then that it didn't matter) so we're going a little earlier in the fall/winter time in hopes that the pool will be a little warmer. I see there's alot of people going that went last December, too. Too bad we'll miss you guys, we could have actually met some more of the people from the board that go during this time. I didn't really recognize anyone last year until I came back and looked at the board again. Then I recognzied quite a few. Sorry about Penn St but you guys are going to really be good in the next couple of years.
April is a great time for weather, temps, and the amount of people to have a great Theme night turnout...
School girl night was alot of fun but everyoone has kinow ahead of time and pack accordingly. Glow Night was our favorite because anyone can participate. There was tons of extra glow items that were shared. Tried to find a picture but most didn't turn out.
At least it wasn't as heartbreaking for me as the past couple of years....I expected to lose to Iowa this year. PM pool water never felt cold to me either....I wonder why?:daveandmo: The shade from the hotel hitting so early was noticeable. You should get an extra hour of sun this month. Enjoy.
Wonder if I can find my old graduation gown. Wouldn't even have to wear anything else, wait that was like my actual graduation.
School girl night seems to be a winner if you can get enough to do it. Which others did you do and like? Thanks!!!!