Lots of couples during NYE along with a few single guys and gals. I don't recall any large groups of singles during that time of year.
I think you should consider Desire and let the singles enjoy Temptation, drunks are drunks and they are everywhere, it is not a marital status thing.
I never said it was all singles it was the large groups of guys than run around like gangs. So if you would start reading the whole post or better yet don't read it at all then we wouldn't have this "misunderstanding". Again like I have said before to all you single lifestylers out there, My post is not inteneded to insult you or single you out, lol. I simply reported on what occured while I was there by a large group on disrespectful guys. And, how it affected my vacation. NOT, all singles are bad many of you are fun and I enjoy your company and don't mind at all to party with you. For those of you that still don't get it get over it!
Here is an unchanged email response I recieved from a British couple when I asked about thier vacation the week after we left. My Question: The "kids" that were getting wild, do you think it was due to thier age, being single (male or female) or that there were large groups of them? Did alot of people arrive after we left? The Answer: yes it was single youngsters had to be 21 both male & female. even Chino & Amy said it was a bad week they was carring people out in wheel chairs every day due to drunkeness in the pool. 1 lad collapsed in the pool we thought he was dead scarey security had to get his pulse & they got him in a chair & he couldnt sit. Jamie & Dianne went round the quiet pool & that was as bad they said. We had 3 coulpels who was there last year so we stook togehter. We was approched loads times by both male & female asking to go back to there rooms we had 1 guy follow us back didnt realise he was following us till we turned round I said go away or4 i was getting security. never again will we go a week later even chino said he was the hardest week he had ever known. I felt it put a real bad repatition on the hotel for people that was there for the 1st time. This couple have been going same 2 weeks in 15 years |& they said how bad it was. We arent going next year neityher are Jamie & Di as they said it was runnied. We still made our own fun we didnt do casino night as it was empty no one went in because the drunks in there. take care xx I would like to hear from people that went later, was this a one time thing? Cal
Imho the times to avoid this kind of rowdy group are: End May/ Early June: It's the end of the football (soccer) season in the UK and lots of teams go away on holiday to celebrate. Even professional teams do it, I've met professional players from both Manchester City and Stoke City at TTR. September: The holiday season in the UK lasts from early May until end September. June, July and August are expensive. In September the price comes right down. October through early May the number of flights from the UK are reduced by about half, prices are more expensive and many of these guys wont leave the country due to being involved in football. How do I know this? Well, I did it myself, many years ago. I dont think our group were ever rowdy and obnxious, but I did enjoy going on holiday with a bunch of single guys. Had it not been for that I would never have met Jannet and cancuncare.com would have never existed
So it's settled then... we duct tape the rowdy drunk young single Brits to deck chairs and carry on as usual? Come on who wants a hug?
We were there the 18th to the 25...it wasn't too bad.. although i don't hang out at the sexy pool much.. there were a lot more single women there this time more so than my past experiences.. and most of the singles that i saw all went to the clubs at night.. i think it was just the time of year..i think it is exactly what Steve said..
singles I have to say in all my visits probably a dozen or more, I have never seen any gangs of men looking for trouble, I have met singles, couples ,groups of mixed friends ,groups of girls and groups of men , but they all have had same thing in common enjoying themselves and having fun... I have to say on the uk travel websites Temptation is advertised as a fun place for over 21s with adult entertainment, there is no mention of it being specifically for couples..I first went there as a single in the year 2000 when it was blue bay, and found it to be the friendliest and welcoming hotel and safe for a single woman, more like a social club than a hotel , i found this site 2 years later , which helped me make many more friends over the years xx I run a busy fun pub in ibiza and 99% of the time it is full of the same kind of great crowd you get at Temptation, but occasionally we get a group of not so nice people, I am sorry you were unlucky to get a group like this on your visit... I hope they dont make Temptation couples only ...I would be very sad.