Trip report Sept. 10-19 Kinda long

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Mike/Melissa, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Deleted member 12579

    Deleted member 12579 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Evey day the dynamics of TTR change..I was there last week and yes there were a few groups of and women and yes they were British .. I was also there in April of this year and the resort was over run by Canadians.. lol (that's were I am from) so.. dont write TTR off... your next trip could be completely different..
    When we were there in April.. we had many days of sideways rain...we thought WTF.. April is supposed to be the best month for weather.. then we had such a crappy summer here that we booked in September.. Hurrican season..we expected rain.. and got very point is.. TTR is always a surprise.. you never know what kind of a trip you will have .. but it sure is worth it..
    just my thoughts!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2010
  2. Mike/Melissa

    Mike/Melissa Regular Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    I'm not here trying to completely down singles. Everyone has the right to choose thier lifestyle single/married/divorced/straight/bi/gay/swayer/swinger/partier it doesn't matter to me. I judge no one, because I don't want to be judged. I haven't completely turned TRC off. We still have many friends that are still going to go, we would just like to check out other resorts as well, this year things happened that made our vaca a little less enjoyable. I'm not sure why some have gotten thier panties bunched, people come to this page looking for honest and helpful info from various perspectives. Which is why I will continue logging on to Cancun Care, to keep getting info on TRC and seeing how things change as they have over the years. For now I'd like to see the rest of the world.
  3. tere

    tere Guru Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    While I dislike the idea of discouraging singles(mainly because I'm single) and there really is no place else to go without kiddies, I have seen the large groups of single Brit guys at TTR. And even had the misfortune of dining with 3 of them. My mistake. I met them outside the Italian. They had no reservations. I did-for 4 and was alone so I invited them. Thankfully, it was a very short dinner since they shovelled that food so fast. Within 3 minutes of sitting down, they asked me if I would be having sex with them! Not a chance in hell was not the answer they wanted to hear!
    I think one thing that attracts them is the sports bar. They think there will be non-stop rugby and soceer on. Maybe they should change it to a library.
    But there are many wonderful places I've been to that I'd love to go back to, if I were part of a couple. You should check out St. Martin, Aruba, Barbados, St. Lucia...I love their beautiful beaches!
  4. JanScott

    JanScott I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    +113 / 1
    Had nothing do with the pic I "left" on your camera I hope, lol. Have to admit as much as we love TTR Jamaica is a blast...good friends make it what it is :)
  5. 1smokey

    1smokey Regular Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    We were also at the resort with Mike and Melissa and the problems that they described were as they indicated. My wife also found herself “sandwiched” by two guys (not British or USA) who were making her offers as they pushed against her in the lobby bathroom (outside of PaddyOs). Yes they were drunk, but we have never before encountered problems with large groups of guys like this before. (And no she is not some scared little girl making up things for attention.)

    When we returned home some friends that stayed extra days informed us that for the first time ever they moved to the quiet pool as the felt uncomfortable. Maybe our timing was off, Maybe we are getting old but I seem to have a problem with large groups of guys who obviously need a baby sitter.

  6. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    This thread is really making me sad and a little worried. But I do appreciate the honesty and feel more informed having read it.

    We have only been once . The end of February this year. We had one of the best times of our lives. There didn't seem like there were many single guys. And the ones we did meet (like Dave, northernguy) were some of the nicest people we ever met. But forget about the single guys, the single girls were really, really nice. And we found the ones from Canada were especially friendly :)

    If anyone takes the dream if seeing those single girls again away from me then I am going to go nuts. So let's not ban singles!

    But seriously I hope our week wasn't in the minority re guy/girl ratio. It really sounds like it was based on all the responses. Or maybe I just have blocked the memory of many single guys from my mind but I don't think so. Is everyone experiencing bad ratios on their trips?
  7. Western Iowa Traveler

    Western Iowa Traveler Guru Registered Member

    May 1, 2009
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    We were there the first week of February this year and singles were very much in the minority. There were some single guys there but they were a lot of fun and it was entertaining listening to them make up stories about their sexcapades while they were there. It was funny to see these guys reactions when you would call them out on it.
    Other single guys were just really cool and didn't have any other plans than to just have a good time on vacation.
    There were actually very few single women there during our time.

    Would hate to see a ban on singles because they were also part of why we enjoyed our time there, but I sure don't want to see it turn in to a bachelor party either.
  8. Bodee

    Bodee Newbie Registered Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    The bottom line..... it's strength in numbers...... period. As a farmer once told me, you put one young man in a tractor you have half a driver, you put two young men in a tractor, you have one quarter of a driver, put three young men in a tractor, you have no driver. This is true with couple also, watch the confidence of a couple, two couples, three couples.....the atmospere changes as you add like minded people to a group.
  9. Mike/Melissa

    Mike/Melissa Regular Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    I don't want them to ban anyone. I'd just like to see everyone have respect for others. Is that to much to ask?
  10. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Not at all. Not at all. We agree with you.

    Hopefully your experience is the exception and not a trend as we just wanted to point out it didnt seem the same in February. I know we wont be going in September as maybe that is a time of year the single groups Steve describe come from the UK? Regardless I dont want to risk it as I know I would react the same way you did and it would put a damper on our trip. Hopefully the trip reports in October show that the September weeks were not the norm and this is not a trend.

    Anyone have any experience with New Years eve ratios at temptations?
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