rdubnpk My major problem has always been that exercise just for the sake of exercise is too much like exercise. I recently started playing softball again after a two year hiatus and we kayak almost every weekend, but a gym??? I just can't get enthused about it. Put on a bunch of pounds in a hurry after quiting smoking for thirty years, so that is what I have had to contend with. Still better off fat than with emphysema (sp?), though.
we just hit the 10 weeks to go mark and said that we need to get in 40 cardio workouts before 12/5. The countdown begins. It feels better to say 40 workouts to go instead of 70 days :icon_lol:
OK, i confess... I am at 302 lbs at a total height of 6.67... bodyfat is at 20 percent. I like my self , but instead of a 2/4/6-pack i have this little beer keg..... ;-) Have to go through hard training till March 11th. Basically there are around 5 months left, Started today with my training plan. Involves Cardio in the early morning (8miles via bike to my work) and weights in the afternoon and then 8miles back with my bike. My goal is to get really in shape. and go down to 5-6 percent bodyfat... sure. the pounds will also drop, as i dont want to be a walking mountain with 300 pounds ;-).
Hope this doesn't turn out like the Western Canadian thing, we are so close we really do have to meet up..
Western Canadians are going to take over......We just need to feel the sunshine. I'm doing a little weight watchers and 3 X's per week at the gym. It's tough but will be worth it I'm sure. 10 more weeks till sun, sand and sea. Can't wait. Louise you'll be able to have a few more drinks on your B-Day. Cheers!!:ernaehrung005:
Ok just got P90X, because i have arthritis i will only be able to do certain exercises but i will give it my best shot. any advice for supplement (whey powder) etc? Really getting geared up now with 3 months to go (ish) Rich
Here's what I use: USPLabs OxyElite Pro - Thermogenic fat burner (new product and shown great results, just use as directed and do not overuse. is very powerful) Jack3d Lean Muscle Supplement - pre-workout energy supplement Gaspari Myofusion Protein powder - a few flavours. Hands down the best tasting i ever used, Just add water and its great, not gaggy like other types. Use twice a day with frozen fruit, ground flaxseeds, wheat germ. Animal Pac Vitamin supplements - Simple pre-made packs make it easy to take (but have some huge pills in it!) But I am working out 2x a day (cardio before work, weights 4-5 days in the evenings) so I need some extra stuff to help that along. did alot of research so i'm confident that these are not a waste of money like some i know are.
One website you might like is Weight Loss Tips and Training Routines A guy out of vancouver and does a great job with his info. Tons of great workout routines and nutrition stuff