Im not sure if we met??? but we was there this time last year....cant wait to see you again or for the first time!!lol...we will have some drinks together..
Don't hate....I will always be a Broncos fan. I am simple a 24 hour Chiefs fan since they played your team!
Sorry the Colts had to beat down your team today... I sometimes have nightmares about the day Manning retires! I'm sure the Chiefs outfit looks great! We are still trying to find Angie something Colts-related...
Question... Would it be against typical airline rules to pack a couple cans of whipped cream in our luggage that we check? I'm guessing that it is... We just found out about this stuff yesterday... Alcoholic whipped cream!! I'm pretty sure this stuff was invented with Temptation in mind... It would be SO much fun... Now I have to figure out how to get a couple cans there without being stopped by customs!
I can see this going in so many directions, and most of them bad... Lets do it! I think as long as its checked in the luggage, there are no problems... How about a whipped cream night? Nothing worn except whipped cream!!?? Alcohol infused whipped cream... that could be really bad/awesome!!!
Ok... I figured out from the TSA site that aerosol cans are allowed in checked luggage, and I figured out from a Mexican Customs site that you can bring food items in to the country as long as it's sealed. So... It seems like this is a go! I'll go pick some up tomorrow! This definitely has the capability of changing the whole definition of "body shots"!! Seriously, it's like they knew when we were going to Mexico and came out with this stuff just for us...