18 DAYS!!!!!! Sorry hadn't seen a countdown for awhile and we're way excited since we did a little shoppin today!!!!:lotsofmichaelfs:
Hey Hcube would be great to see you two again also....if we dont see you at TTR first maybe on our next trip we will try to set aside enough time to shoot your way and see you guys!!
Yeah, let us know! I'm always looking for more ideas for stuff to buy Angie. We might need a bigger suitcase...
We will be there Oct 10-15. Ready to see you guys again and PARTY. Glad that we could make it again in Oct so that we could see you guys since we missed you in June...Or shall I say that you guys missed an all time low from the group. 14 days till party time artytime:. Have the beer cold when we get there. "Family Time is Over"