Trip report Sept. 10-19 Kinda long

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Mike/Melissa, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Mike/Melissa

    Mike/Melissa Regular Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    This was our 6th trip and had a great time but may be our last trip, more on that later.

    We arrived Friday at noon 30 mins early bonus! We get in to see old friends and eat lunch in time to play Tequilla valleyball, we lost and Chinos takes off with my shorts and I chase him. Warning! pool side very very slippery, I slip and fall slideing about 20 feet kinda fun, lol. My waterproof camera was in my pocket when it hit the side of the pool denting the side allowing it to fill with water, dried it out once we got home and works great again. Head up to get dressed for dinner at asian resturant thanks to friends making reservations for us, yeah! Melissa doesn't make it. After dinner change for naughty school girls night, hey Mel is back up and ready to go. It was an absolute blast even though it rained towards the end. Of to bed early 1:30.

    Saturday was a pretty relaxed day, catching up with old friends and welcomeing the ones arriveing. Went to paty o's later in evening but still not quite ready to party so off to bed at 12:30

    Sunday we stayed pretty mellow during the day, we all wanted to make sure we could attend Davy & Lisa's wedding. It was absolutely beautiful. After the ceremony we dressed for dinner and head off to watch show in nice shoes. After the show we party at nice shoes until they kicked us out to paty o's. Where Davy and Neil dress up as Cal and it was comical an absolutue blast. Partied late into the night. 4:00

    Monday was a great day by the pool lots of alcohol and games. I play the Mr. Temptation game and won, yeah me, So we get in free to coco bongo's this night. We go eat at the Italian resturant late it wsa great but we missed what was in nice shoes. No big deal we need to get ready for Coco Bongo's anyway. Coco's was a blast we always have a great time there. We party until they turn on the lights and send us home. We get back and decide to baracade a friends door it was so funny to see her face when so opened the door. Lmbo, don't go to bed first! 6:30

    Tuesday we party by the pool get pretty trashed and have a blast, bad news alot and I mean alot of single guys show up. At this point they are of no concern to us. We are having a blast and brought our wives/gf. The day goes on. We get ready later and go off to asian again Mel really wanted to eat it she missed the first night. Another great meal. The when go down to Paty O's to party have a great time but make it an early evening, we have to get up early the next morning for atv and cliff jumping! 12:30

    Wednesday we head off to ride atvs and do some cliff diving and swimming. It rain before we get to where we are going but we continue on. The rain stopped and left water puddles every where yeah!!!!! Now this is fun we splashed each other and got absolutely soak and dirty. No worries we cleaned up when we jumped off the cliff! We don't get back to resort until 6. We get cleaned up to eat at Tex Mex loved it! Then off to nice shoes for stripper show. It is absolutely packed with guys a few girls but mostly guys. We find room to sit and watch the show from up front on the floor. Great place to sit as it turns out we all became part of the show. After the show we head down to Paty o's to party a couple of friends are suppose to leave thursday at 7:30pm. So we stay up and party until 6 when one of his friends comes down and says "Hey our bus is at the front door we are suppose to be on plane at 7:30am." I know it's not funny but Oh did I laugh my but off! still laughing. Off to bed 7:00am

    Thursday not so good completely wore out. Oh well let'g get going oh wait it is raining! Rain kinda ruined this day but we needed to chill anyways. So how I get trashed and can't make it to lingerie night, so mad ugh! Mel went and said it was ok, but she missed me, awwwww.

    Friday wake up and get started. Hang out by the pool drinking all day trying to decide willl we do Booze cruise, the answer, yes! The amount of single guys at this point is a little crazy. We make it to the booze cruise and are having a good time. We have a group of 30 or so and the girls are having fun with each other and we all enjoy the party. When I head down to go to the bathroom I over hear a group of guys saying they are going to punch one of the guys in our group in the face and throw him over. He has done anything to them, they are just jealous that this guy is goofing off with all the girls. This puts me on edge I tell a few so they keep an eye out but don't tell they guy as I believe he would have went to handle things, No need for that. As they come up the stairs we I position myself between them and keep them seperated, they finally go back down. We Party on! On to Carlos N Charlies great food and lots of fun, still a little wary of where these guys are where our friend is, lucky nothing comes of it. Some of our friends are ready to go back instead of going to Senor Frogs. It's thier last night so we head back with them to party on Paty O's again. We had alot of fun there. of to bed 2:30

    Saturday a sad day some of our friends have to go home. We hated seeing them go. We go back to the pool and play as many games as we can as it is our last day. We had fun but not as much, as we are tired of the singles asking if we are swingers, we aren't swingers, don't have any complaints about those that are, but all these single guys think that just because our wives/gf are having fun in the pool they can just take us back to the room. At first it is flattering but then it becomes annoying! We go to dinner for the first time we try to eat buffet for dinner after hearing complaints all week, they were right the food was bad in there. Oh well of to nice shoes to watch the main event show. Sun was Mel's Birthday so chinos set's us up with vip seating, a birthday cake, shirt, wine and After the show mel get's a lap dance by all 5 of them. Great time, The show was good and enjoyed it. Then off to Paty O's to party for a awhile another great night. 1:00

    Sunday Happy Birthday Mel! We now have to pack and say good bye to everyone. Which is hard because we aren't saying bye to people we just met. We are saying bye to great friends. Some of our best friends we met there and love them and hate leaving them. We will see you all soon!

    All in all our vacation was a good one. I have told you the good parts but to be fair I now have to tell you the negatives that haven't always been.
    The club line ups have changed and you will go to coco bongos twice and senor frogs twice. We don't care for the other club choice you can go and check them out but not for us. The resort doesn't really try to get people to leave at night anymore so if you like to stay in Paty O's is a blast. The food quality in the buffet all day wasn't good at all. It hasn't always been there. The activity staff is less motivated than in previous years, yes even Chinos was more with drawn from the crowd. When he was on the mic trying to get people involved he is the same chinos just not around as much. The girls one I can't remember her name trys but not much success. The other new girl I don't see being there long, way to quite and shy. And, the thing that has made many of us decide to start visting other resorts together, is the amount of single guys. One group that arrived was a group of 15 there were other smaller groups of 5 or 6. I don't know why the resort has taking this turn but as couples we don't need to have that much testosterone around we liked the fact that the girls could have thier "fun" without all the judgement and advances. So we have decided to try other resorts that are more couple oriented and less inviting to single guys! So anyone that has been to other couple resorts let us know what you thought of them.
  2. CLG

    CLG Regular Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Even though Temptation Los Cabos allows singles, the 4 times we have been there, it was mostly couples. It is not the party place like Cancun, so it depends what you like. Another idea would be go to Temptation Los Cabos during the "Desire" weeks. The rates are good compared to Desire Cancun and it is couples only for that week. They just announced "Desire" weeks for 2011. They had 2 "Desire" weeks in 2010, we went to both and they are just fantastic.
  3. Western Iowa Traveler

    Western Iowa Traveler Guru Registered Member

    May 1, 2009
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    Thanks for the report, to answer your question about other resorts, the only one we have been to is the Sun Palace which was pretty cool, VERY POSH. 5 star all the way. It was our first trip to Cancun and the Sun Palace is couples only so that was the main reason we tried it. After going to Temptations, we would never go back to Sun Palace because of the atmosphere, much more laid back at Sun Palace, not much interaction with other guests, ect. Like you we are NOT swingers, but the social aspect of temptations will have us going back there again!

    Just our 2 cents
  4. Bart/Annette

    Bart/Annette Life begins at 40!!! Registered Member

    May 31, 2005
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    Enjoyed reading your TR, and too bad that some there were some boneheads that took anything away from your trip. You guys are great and deserve to have the best time. Chinos is always great, but he definitely could use more help than he has now. His back must be tired from carrying the rest of the ent cast.
  5. bullet

    bullet Guru Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2009
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    great, detailed tr. Too bad you feel that way because your comments have always been so positive about TTR. Question, do you think these groups of singles are having enuogh of a good time to come back and tell thier friends that they have to go to TTR? i don't see that happening. i would think that they would go to places with groups of single women unless they are specifically looking for swinging couples and think TTR is where to go for that (not very likely either, huh?). also wondering what other recent visitors have seen. maybe you just had a particularly extra testosterone filled week and it's not the norm.

    BTW - nothing against singles but groups of d-heads looking for trouble....I can do without.
  6. FirmandSuz

    FirmandSuz Regular Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    Mike - We were there pretty much the same time as you were and I understand what you mean about the amount of young single guys. They hang out in clusters and just look like they are looking for trouble. I never really felt threatened but I can imagine how it would be to be in a confined space like the booze cruise with them. We noticed this during our May trip too. I really don't get the attraction for them, it doesn't seem like they are having that much fun - they just seem to hang around and drink and watch. And I'm not talking about a bunch of young guys there on a possible batchelor party or something, the ones I'm seeing I would compare more to a gang than a group of college buddies. Again - Suz and I never felt threatened by any of them, it's just a much different dynamic than it used to be.

    As far as the entertainment crew - we don't do the games but do watch some of them. IMHO - the entertainment crew is suffering. T is definitely missed as the other girls are trying real hard but just don't seem to have the right personalities for the job. I did notice that Chris wasn't around during our trip. Maybe he is no longer there? When we were there in May he seemed to have a major attitude with people so it wouldn't surpirse me if he was gone.

    We do hope to go back sometime next April/May. I'm not ready to try another place yet but it may be moving in that direction.
  7. Mike/Melissa

    Mike/Melissa Regular Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    I will say that I talked to Mario about all the singles and he said he is working on coming up with ways, games or activities to make it a little more couple oriented. This may take some time. I told him that we may not be back and of course he said they didn't want that. When they start losing regulars then they start losing money. So they will try to fix it, I've asked him to keep me posted and I'll stay on here to see the changes that are being made. I will say that the staff ( Bartenders, waitstaff and even the sercurity) we great. It isn't the resort itself that ruined my trip but the people that visited while we were there. Everyone on the staff remembered us and gave us wonderful service. So don't read my review and think it is a bad resort because it is a great resort. I just don't want to go on vacation and have to look over my shoulder. I'm not jealous and don't mind them talking to my wife but when the start making threats towards me or friends of ours it does put you on edge. Alcohol and stupidity don't mix well!
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  8. Carli0609

    Carli0609 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    I think I played Tequila volleyball with you! I was on Chinos team, and I have a BLAST!!!! This was my first trip to Tempation, and I will definitely be going back
  9. Canadian Dos Equis fan

    Canadian Dos Equis fan Cancuncare's Most Interesting Man Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    I am sorry there were a few bad apples but I would ask you to not lump all single guys in the same bunch. I have been going single for years now and like to make as many friends as possible each time I go. Obviously, as a member, I would complain if I felt the staff was actively trying to discourage me from going.

    And I can assure you I am more than happy to hang out by the pool and take in as much as I can of my surroundings. Those primarily being the carribean atmosphere and the energy of those around me.

    My two cents on the singles stuff we see to often on these boards...
  10. Mike/Melissa

    Mike/Melissa Regular Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    It is not my intent to lump all singles into one group. We hung out with a couple of single people and they were great. It is the groups of singles that believe they can take on the world and cause problems. One of the guys from the group was a pretty good guy. We hung out with him and even exchanged emails. It is because they wanted to pick fights and use the line "I'm better than your man FU#$ him come get with a real man." These are the singles that we have trouble with. So for the single respectful guys if I offended you I apologize it was not my intention.
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