Football So while drinking last night, Angie decided that she wants to go as a slutty Colts cheerleader for Halloween (which is why I love her so much...), and we all decided that it would make sense for her to wear her Colts cheerleader outfit on Sunday night while we watch the Colts game at Temptation, which is October 17th. So... consider that an open invitation for all of the other ladies to do something similar that night. Angie is totally aware that she could be the only one running around in an outfit that night, especially since it is the night right after Naughty Schoolgirl Night, but if any of the other ladies want to show their team pride in an equally sexy manner, then feel free!
I thought that was already the plan??? You must have really killed some brain cells this weekend! :biggrinbandit: or maybe I did?
Well, it was kinda the plan, but the whole "cheerleader costume" thing was the true revelation this weekend. We actually just ordered a couple things for Angie's outfit online. It's gonna be great!
I don't think you can over-hype this at all... A ton of fun people going at the same time + unlimited alcohol x everyone being half-naked = EPIC!!!
My self and partner are visiting Cancun, prob 6th Oct 10. and contemplating Temptation Hotel. Any advice ?. we are quite liberated and like a good time, but dont want a in your face place, heard different views, is it a overtly Swingers Hotel ?, or a covertly Swingers Hotel?, or is it neither, ie normal, whats the average age for people staying at Temptation, we have heard it reffered to as like 18 to 30 club, ie young noisy and brash ! hope someone can advise before we book.
This is easy... Temptation is neither of those things. It's not a swingers hotel, and I would say the average age has been between 30-40 both times we've been there. Of course, there will be young people there, and there will be swingers, but your trip can be totally what you want it to be. You could spend a week by the Quiet pool, and never see anything "crazy". Just try Temptation out, you will love it!