Doug and Val, we stayed at the Westin in Cancun a while ago. If your looking for good people, freedom, fun and relaxation, you'll love Temptations. SheandMe, I played the motorcycle gig yesterday, too late! Got some parties left to do before October. Life is tuff! Hope all went well in Fla. Trying to find a pool table Ann and I can practice on!
Hey, Tuesday night sounds good! Although, I'm still not quite sure I get it. Bring the glow sticks and we'll figure it out!
I just picked up some sexy dresses....not much time left!!! I'm glad to see some others on our same week. We look forward to meeting everyone! We need theme nights for the first week also...any suggestions?
Congrats to you both. We look forward to meeting you - you will be there at the same time as us 3-10. theme night we are up for a them night how about little black dress night.
ohhh, I'm up for "little black dress night", perhaps early in your stay, our last full night will be the maybe the 4th, 5th, or 6th ???
R u really?? Sure can't wait to see the both of you!! And to meet RDANGEL. Pass the work John and I will have special commerative TTR Bracelets to acknowledge all of us from Cancun Care so we know all of our friends from here. Super busy here between work and getting Masters but will check on here more with Halloween approaching. Stay in touch!! Anyone on here who will be at TTR for Halloween email so we can send a pic so you can recognize us prior to the best Halloween Bash in the world!!
Halloween at TTR last year was a great time. Good fun good people. We were even part of the naked swim team that will reappear this year also. Shoot us your email and will send a pic and you do the same.
Hey Tacgrande we'll look for you at the sexy pool so you can buy us a rum punch. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Sexy dress night sounds good to me. I'm ready for vacation..:flash:
Hi Nurse!! Ah yes, the swim team!! LOL!! Gotta get Kathie& Theresa to participate this year!! Looking forward to seeing you guys!! Masters. WOW, good for you!! Hope Randy& Belinda can make it! So far, seems like most of the grope, er, group, will return. Tell John we said hello, keep in touch, Kathie&John! PS, were hoping to go see AlanAnn's band but lost the date and it was this weekend, good people! See y'all!!