With all the talk and news about bed bugs, has there ever been an issue in Cancun? it seems to be rampant in some parts of the States.
And Canada from what we are hearing also, sure hope this isn't a concern at Temptations ? Talk here is they (bed bugs) are even in Theaters.. And if there is ?? anyone know of anything a person could use as to not bring them back etc.
To make sure you don't bring them into your home all you have to do is wash your clothes in hot water and spray your luggage down with pesticide. If you do that you have no worries, I seen it on the news just yesterday.
While I've not heard of bedbug problems in Cancun, I am going to buy a tin of stuff specifically for bedbugs from the do-it-yourself pest control store. There is also a product called Rest Easy that you can buy at Bed, Bath & Beyond. It is a "natural" product. Don't know if it works. It seems that they are more of a northern problem and I travel to the Toronto area. I've read that you should spray your suitcase and not put your suitcase on the floor or bed. Use the luggage stand. Don't put your clothing directly in the drawers. I use ziplock bags anyhow for packing and put the ziplocks in the drawers. I guess you are supposed to spray the mattress, as well.
A little FYI about bed bugs & the U.S. Bed bugs were almost 100% non-existant in the U.S. due to the pesticide DDT. In 1972 the use of DDT was banned in the U.S. most of all because of it's impact on bird eggs (thinning shells) and 38 years later bed bugs have now resurfaced in the U.S to epidemic proportions. Mexico has only began phasing out the use of DDT in the last 13 years, so bedbugs probably will not even begin to have as much of a sustainable environment in Mexico as they presently do in the U.S for at least 10 mores years.
Thanks I think it is worth trying, as I've read it most likely isn't a problem down there as of yet, however better safe than sorry. The only thing I want to come back with is great memories.