how many ppl participate in wearing the wife and i will be there from nov. 17-24 and we will be wearing them, so if you see us make sure you say hi!
It depends on how many people from the board are going. I'm coming in on the 25th with 50 bands and that might not even be enough but we also have alot of repeaters and first timers that come during that time.
you expect over 50 ppl from the board during that time? i was thinking we would be lucky to have a group of 10!.... do you post a picture on here so ppl can put a face with a name? i checked the faq and i dont see an attachment option when i am replying...
If I remeber correctly, go under user CP and then edit avatar and you should be able to upload your picture there.
I was down at TTR this past May. I didn't ses anyone with orange bands...:huh: I brought 10 orange bands that i had maded and gave some out while there. Like Zurc said..It depends on the people going.
from what i have gathered from these boards, people wear orange bracelets so you can identify members of this board...kind of a way to break the ice as well as form a group to hang out with... and there there was something about marking the bracelets with X's to let people know your "morals"...
I don't think I'd have enough room for the all the xxx's. Maybe if I bring an orange hula-hoop. :bash: