So you're throwing out the idea because you don't THINK they'll go for it. Brewster... nice observation.
rdubnpk I think the true believers took one look at what was being said, damned us all to hell, and went back to their Bibles, Koran, Christian Science reading rooms or whatever. True faith accomodates no doubt. It is because I believe it is. Hard to argue with that.
As nice as the thought of doing away with all religion is, it's just not practical. Those true believers will fight you tooth and nail. If they could just remove the "My God is better and you are going to hell" attitude from religion we wouldn't have a lot of the wars we have in this world.
rdubnpk Read in the paper this morning that a church in Gainesville is planning to commemerate 9/11 by burning Korans. It boggles the mind. I am at a loss to say anything more than that.
Really don't know what to say....other than I don't think its right, maybe before they burn it they might read it first. I hear that it is quite the book. Never did believe in book burning.
See that is what causes all this crap to escalate. If they do that then extremists on the other side will call for Death to America and everyone goes back to throwing insults at each other. Someone needs to go down to that church and smack whomever had that idea.
Stupidity knows no bounds and is not exclusive to any religion or any group without religion. We had an abortion doctor here in Buffalo get gunned down while eating his breakfast with his family. The killer was some anti-abortion nut case from Vermont. In his mind it was justified, but for most of us he's just another killer, who happens to carry a Bible along with his rifle. So much of religion today has nothing to do with the people it is supposed to serve. It is very little more than what it was 5000 years ago, which is nothing more than a source of money and power. Sadly the Crusades of almost 1000 years ago were for the same reasons.
There's a really good example of a Christian extremist that (hopefully) doesn't represent the majority of Christians. Zackman will say that it's not the same because this guy killed only on person but I'll say no one will care if someone builds a Christian church near where the Doctor was murdered.
News reports say the Governor of New York, David Paterson, is seeking face-to-face talks with the Imam. So far the Imam has refused... So what do you THINK? ... Perhaps a religious utopia is immanent where the Imam will concede to Jews and Christians for the sake of peace, love, and flower power?
No as a conservative grounded in logic, common sense, and reality, I say the killer of an Abortion Doctor was murderer and his crime deserves severe punishment (perhaps even the death penalty). As a liberal you might confuse, sidestep, and equate this murder with the War-time dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima.