I would feel uncomfortable taking pictures of anyone but the wife unless others asked me to. Likewise I would feel uncomfortable having my picture taken unless I was asked. Doesn't sound that is the way it is though lol
in all seriousness 99 percentof the people on here and 99 percent of all decent respectful people..........anywhere on gods green earth........ pretty much feel exactly the same way as both of us feel it only takes one disrespectful (what t and i like to term "f'n people") person to mess things up for all of us people who are respectful for example this past year for our superbowl party we had somewhere between 75 and 100 people at the house (all invited guests whom i thought i had thoroughly screened and asshole proofed) now 99 of the people who came were absolutely awesome and we had a blast.............all until this one idiot (no longer a friend of mine i might add) wanted to let his inner thespian out so my point ? just because one dick had the umitigated gaul to show up to the party and try and claim an oscar for best wannabee actor in a drama starring only himself.................dont mean you quit having a super bowl party cmon man you simply kick the f&^%$er out the door and call the police to come drag his sorry ass to jail and then your round up a couple of people in the group and you simply go outside and mop up all the blood off the lawn before the damn crows show up the following morning just kills me all the people who try and focus on the wrong damn things problem aint the damn camera its the assholes who dont know how to use them respectfully - just dont make me pay for their disrespectful nature - i love my camera as much as i love my friends f'n people :banghead: rob
If they want to take pictures and post them then I'll show them my ass. Don't know what they would want it for I don't think web sites will pay for it but whatever. I don't care who sees my ass.
We don't care about pics, either, but realize that some people's employers could be very unforgiving about such bawdy behavior...not to mention fallout from family members and friends. Any pics we take of others will be nondescript, or taken with permission, and kept for our own private perusal whichever one they are.
I can confirm that this is a true statement! Between Mike and "king of the little people" Davy the second/third weekends in September have never been the same. The sad part is when you reach the age that no one wants a naked picture of you anymore, so I guess we should be flatter? Enjoy while it lasts. Cal
Blu, Well said my friend. You can take a picture of my twig. You can take a picture of my berries. You can take a picture of my mug. Just don't plaster all three together on the Internet. Oh yea, and get my back when I when I tell some solo perv boy to keep his camera off the Mrs or I'll take it with me during my next cannonball.