I keep reading that it's a great ides to tip the people that work there. Do you do that at the end or the beginning in like one lump sum or do you do it throughout the trip?
The staff members do really appreciate the tips. I think the bar and wait staff expects to get them, however some of the other staff members are surprised and a tip seems to really make their day. I usually tip the bar once a day and try to do it early in their shift. We tip the wait staff every meal, and tip the maid almost every day. We tip the entertainment staff some and usually do the before we leave. I am sure all of the staff can use some money to make ends meet, however showing them respect and sincerity is just as important.
It's just like anyone in the service industry, they live on tips, I try to tip every at the bars and resturaunts daily and then leave one for them when I leave.
We tip everyone every day, somtimes a few times, the better service the more often I tip.... when I'm drinking I like to tip all the time. We've been 4 times and can't wait to go back. Our next trip I want to fill our extra suitcase with gifts/school supplies for housekeeping and for donations.
We always tip the maids $2.00/daily + large chocolate bar (Austrian chocolate from Aldys $1.49 ea.) every other day. They love it and from what I understand their wages only average $1.50 Daily. The bartenders, certain ones that I see yearly I'll slip $20.00 to a couple of times while there + a couple of bucks in the bar bowl. Bartenders there make about $5.50 daily wage wise from what we've been told and they also work their asses off!! Also tip at all restaurants/meals a couple of bucks!! Trip # 4 coming up!! Also, If you take US $2.00 bills you only have to carry half the quantity of tipping $$. Works great!!
the bartenders and the maids make $16.00 a day for an 10hr day.......if they work any overtime they are paid another $16.00................they receive transportation to and from work if needed and meals. tips are of course extra.
We tip our favorite bartenders (Johnny and Jose) we tip our maid who always has left us beautiful towel animals and fresh flowers on our bed and last time we went we wanted to really give some *extra* to our waiter. We go in December so we knew he could use the money for his family at Christmas. We got to know him really well and at the end of the trip we left him $100.00 I thought he was going to start crying. The employees bust their butts all day long so we try to make it a bit easier for them.