What is the Glow nite? Body paint? Glow stick and necklaces? Help me out here??? I want to be prepared!!
We did Glow Night in May...it was awesome check out this thread for pictures... http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/16072-glow-night-huge.html
Check out this thread regarding NSG... http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/tem.../16126-naughty-school-girl-night-awesome.html Also the Toy Swap on lingerie night was funny!
Hello TTR Cabo Party Folk, Looking at the current amount of people going to TTR Cabo between the dates of July 1st and the 11th there will be around 8 or 9 couples when everyone is on site together.The dates everyone will be there is between July 6th to the 10th. Here is what I was thinking for a theme nite line up. Tue-July 6th: Lil Black dress for the ladies and white shirts for the guys Wed-July 7th: TTR will host lingerie nite Thur-July 8th: Naughty school girl outfits Fri-July 9th: Glow nite Please chime in and let me know what you guys think about the line up and your participation.Looking forward to it!
Joe, Love your line up! Rita and I are in! We are so looking forward to this! 16 days to go! And you never know, we can sponteanously orgarnize something last minute while were taking down the tequila shooters! Sponteanous + Tequila = Loads of fun! Just let your imagination go wild!!! Rita and Ghis!