an event where the lady runs thru several stations- kayak paddling, swim, balloon pop, drink a coke (speciality positioned) etc. really a fun event
Are there any pics of this that someone can share. What is the iron man for the men, so if i do this my husband can too. C&D
No kidding - I was there when a lady complained it was too small. Chinos asks what's she used to? She's points at her guy and Chinos brings him up. She proved what she was used to behind a towel. Too funny!!!!!!
Cdcalpoly...I have some pics from last year.. I will get this years up soon...I just got back so i have to go through them for " X " ... " R ".... " PG " rating....LOL!!
They are both similar, except for the men they have to take a ball through womens legs in the jacuzzis and do some chin ups. Lynfa x
Thanks icecube88! We get confused from the different pictures we see. The pole dance, towels over covers, etc. When you chin ups, ive seen some do naked chin ups, lol. did we saw that correctly? Let us know when they are up. C&D
Thanks for the info. We have been looking forward to our trip and have been viewing pictures from past visits on other profiles and get more excited everyday. We were confused if the Mrs. Iron Women contest was also the Miss Temptation. All the pictures seem to mix in that we can't til which is what. Too bad you and Les can't make the end of July. U two seem like a blast. C&D