Its a shame because if you look up the YouTube videos of the show, party and calendar shoot, they REALLY make these ladies look and feel like royalty!!!
I just checked your votes and am getting emails from the my Big Dog Brothas!!! They REALLY like you!!! LMAO!!! It will hopefully turn into a landslide. I have a few other tricks up my sleeve too...
HOLY sh*t Good work my friend!! That is awesome!! As you will see she is now working her magic and will either catch up in the next couple minutes or pass me it happens everyday around this time! But thank you SOOOOOO much hopefully they will catch her!
Was able to vote a couple other ways as well. You really deserve to win and we hope you do. Woody is referring to another issue and it detracts not at all from you; you'll represent April well! I know Cancuncare came through for Kathleen and Hillary and they won their respective months (back in 2009). Here's hoping it'll work for you as well. And Marilyn says thanks for the compliment. I always knew she was hot.
Thanks for all the voting and support!! MRMRSDIESEL I don't think I can lose with your help!!!! Kepp the voting coming only 4 more days!!:icon_wink:
Thanks I just can't wait till the water is done so that is breaks up the red and orange!! Well "Vanessa" is awake because I was up by 18 but in the last 5 minutes she has gotten 13 votes and I'm sure her cheating ass will not stop till she caught up!! So frustrating but again thanks everyone and keep on voting if you haven't already!! I'm hoping slow and steady will win the Not that I am a turtle I think I would like to be a enough Everyone have a great weekend!